I am a Rotary Peace Fellow and social justice advocate and educator. I am currently in the process of creating and editing an anthology of reflections by Peacebuilders across the world. My intention is for the contributors to this book to be primarily RPFs and Rotarians working in Peace, along with some key Peacebuilders aligned […]
The RPFAA is pleased to invite you to a career webinar on Saturday, May 11th. How do you break in to land a position at an international organization like the United Nations, OAS or the OECD? Let’s hear from those who have done it! This free webinar will feature a panel discussion with international professionals […]
In February, the RPFAA sponsored “How Do We Break Through The Silence& Act for Peace & Justice: Israel/Palestine Crisis?” led by Rotary Peace Fellows Katherine Hughes-Fraitekh and Kiran Singh Sirah. As a follow-up, we want to introduce you to Atta Khaled. Atta is a key member of the Palestinian Youth Advisory Panel (YAP) with whom […]